History & Evolution of SEO


History Of SEO


To Understand about History of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we want to look back at its origin. Before knowing about SEO, it is very important to know the History of Google. Google was a research project by the Founder’s at their college time, Firstly they active Google as the subdomain of their college. After the Graduation they decided to officially form Google as a company. At beginning stage Google was not user friendly, they doesn’t give search result at the same time. They will send search result to E-Mail address in 24hours. At the beginning time Google has less number of user’s, The big Transformation of Google has been after the “World Trade Center Attack” in 11 September 2001. So many people search about “World Trade Center Attack” & Google does not have to give exact result, Google officials take it’s a major issue & they call a meeting & take immediate action to solve the issues. Google officials has Questioned that why Google has to give proper search result. Google search engineers said that most of the websites are not Crawlable, because of that they didn’t give proper search result. Google cannot do Anything to Crawling that type of Websites, Only Webmasters can do anything. Google officials decided to publish a starter guide programs & document to Webmasters about the awareness of optimization. Google officials decided that all the Websites will be Crawlable & Google has to increase their data base & public can get Any search result from Google. This initiative from Google is the reason Search Engine Optimization {SEO} Originated.


Evolution Of SEO

SEO Evolution

After the publish of SEO starter guide webmasters are started to practice it & some webmasters try to practice it more, They try to list their websites in some other search result. They try to misuse it and some practices are against Google terms & conditions because of they are not acceptable to Google.

Two Types of SEO Practice

1.White Hat SEO: White Hat SEO means Genuine & Ethical way of SEO practice done by the Webmasters in Google guide lines.

Black hat & white hat

2.Black Hat SEO: Black Hat SEO means unethical way of SEO practice by the Webmasters by loopholes in Google algorithm.

Niche Specific/Content Specific

In the starting time Google is a Niche Specific, Niche Specific also known as Content Specific. Niche Specific means showing the focusing keyword of the Website & increase the page ranking. Some Webmasters use keywords so many time & this will cause the Quality of content in Google become low. This type of practice is known as “Keyword Stuffing”, it is a Black Hat SEO. Google was not ready to compromise in their content, Because of that they Started to make change in their algorithm.

Page Rank/Trust Value: Page rank is a rating system introduced by Google to rank websites to give genuine search results. 10 is the biggest page rank.

Link Specific

Link Specific is an algorithm change done by Google that Content Specific to Link Specific to improve the Quality. In Link Specific Google give ranking to Websites by receiving recommendation links from other Websites. It becomes the major way that Google try to rank pages. The focus of Webmasters are to receive more links from other Websites. Some Webmasters try receive links in an unauthorized way & Google will find it & Google consider it as a Spamming activity.

Quality Link Specific

Quality Link Specific is an algorithm change done by Google after the Link Specific to improve the quality. Google decide to rank websites by receiving Link from ranked Websites & so many Webmasters are ready to sell links. Then Google introduced “Passing the Juice”.

Passing the Juice

passing juice

Passing the Juice is a method introduced by Google to rank pages. When a Websites receive more content specific Links from other websites and send low number of links to another websites, then the ranking of the website will increase. If low number of links receive in a website & send lot of links to another websites, it will affect the ranking of the page.

No-follow Attribution

It is a method introduced by google to stop sharing equity through links, (rel="nofollow”). Google will tell search engines to ignore No-follow tags.

Google AdWords

Google Ad-words is an advertising program in google to advertise our websites by PPC (Pay Per Click) method.


In ad words program we have to pay for a single click & google will show the advertisement only when payment ends.

Google AdSense

Google Ad-sense is an affiliated program in google to earn income from advertisements by showing advertisement in our websites.


Webmasters try to rank pages to get more clicks in website for generate income from Google Ad-sense. Google Ad-sense become a main income for Webmasters.

Two Types of Add

1.Display Network: Display network means Add that show only on a targeted audience

2.Search Network: Search network means Add that show next to people search result.

 Personalized Add

Personalized add means add that shown by the basis of interest, its also known as Interest based Advertising. It improves Relevance to users & increase the income to advertisers by more enquiries.

Pogo Sticking

Pogo sticking means when a website ranking high and don’t have to satisfy the need of the users is known as pogo sticking.

Social Media Signal

Social signals

Social Media Signal update was done by google in 2010 to rank the websites by the social media platforms. They collect data & reviews from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc. It was a new development for google rank pages.


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