Important Algorithm Updates

 Panda Update

In 2011 Google introduce Panda Update as their major algorithm update against content spamming to maintain their quality of search result & give accurate result to the users. Google form a team to avoid content spamming activities & appoint “Matt Cutts” Matthew Cutts as the head of the team against content spamming. Types of content spamming activities are- 

Panda Update

*Content Duplication: Content Duplication means copy the content from other published websites, Google will consider this type of as content spamming & remove these types of websites.

*Grammatic Errors/Spelling Mistakes: Google will rate low ranking to websites which have Grammatic Errors/Spelling Mistakes.

*Content Spinning: Content spinning means same content that use more times by using some changes in sentence. Google consider this also a content spamming activity.

*Thin Pages: Thin pages means there is no content in pages. Google will delete these types of websites at the updates.

*Automated Content: It means fetching contents from other websites. It also considered a spamming activity.

Panda Update 4.0

Panda 4.0 is a famous update done Google in 19/20 May 2014. Importance of this update was Google added Panda algorithm has been a permanent filter activity.

Penguin Update

Penguin Update

Penguin updates was done in 2012 against the Link spamming. Link spamming means the webmasters try to achieve more links from other websites for rank their websites high. Google introduce Penguin update to stop this type Link spamming activity, Google will punish this type of activity & remove the Less quality link websites by using Penguin update. Types of Link spamming activities are-

*Paid Links: Paid links means buying/selling of links from high rated websites, it is against the terms & conditions of Google, Google consider it as a link spamming activity.

*Link Exchange: Exchanging Link from to other websites to rank websites high, it is known as Link Exchange.

*Comment Spamming: Comment spamming means posting Link everywhere in the website & also give Link in the comment space, it is a type of Black Hat SEO.

*Wiki Spamming: Wiki spamming / Wikipedia spamming is a popular method of Link spamming, adding links in Wikipedia by using edit option.

*Link Farming: It is a type of Link scheme that built low quality Links automatically by using any Link mechanism, this also consider as a Link spamming activity.

*Internal Link: Internal Link means building so many links internally & Google will punishes this type of internal link building activity.

*Guest Blogging: It means write an article for a website & get a link to you website/blog in return. Google consider it also a Link spamming activity.

Penguin Update 4.0

Penguin update 4.0 is a major update in 2016, Google update Penguin as a real term update to detect the Link spamming activity fast.

Pigeon Update

Pigeon update is introduced in 2014 regards to local SEO or local audience. It is a local area search result when user search places near them. For example, if a person searching for a Restaurant the Google will give the nearest located Restaurant by list. For receiving such results or to reach the targeted costumers, webmasters have to provide following steps- 

Pigeon Update

*Submit & verify in “Google My Business”.

*Add Pin number, Phone number & Verified address in the website page.

*Make their Local directories visible.

*Geotagging in website.

*Interaction with local audience through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter etc.

*Add country settings in International search console.

Possum Update

Possum Update is done by pigeon to give convenient result to the users by locating their exact location.

Humming Bird Update

Humming Bird Update was introduced by Google in 20 August 2013 for give semantic search result. By using Humming Bird update google will give deep information about the content by interactive way of content. This type of interaction will help to increase the page ranks & also websites have high number of positive reviews will give a high rank in Google search result.

Rank Brain Update

Rank Brain Update

Rank Brain Update was in 2015 to strengthen the artificial intelligence of Google. By this update Google give the results effectively to the users. Google analyze the users & give result in a customized manner, for example different age group people search cordless in a different manner Google works like a high intelligence human & give proper result.

Mobilegeddon Update/ Mobile Friendly Update

 On 21 April 2015 Google introduced Mobilegeddon Update, it is also known as Mobile friendly update. Mobile friendly update was released by Google because of increase in mobile users & to give more responsive search result. In 2016 Google strengthen the Mobile friendly update & give low rank to sites that was not a Mobile friendly.

Parked Domain Update

It was introduced in 2012, the use of Park domain was to book a domain & keep it without using. There is no content in parked domain & Google introduced parked domain update to hide the parked domain without indexing.

Exact Match Domain (EMD) Update

EMD was introduced in 28 SEP 2012, it is the booking of focusing keyword domain is known as Exact match domain. Google introduce Exact match domain update to maintain their quality. Google will remove the websites with no updates for longer by using Exact match domain update.

Pirate Update

Google introduce Pirate Update to focus on websites copy contents, photos, videos from other websites. We can complaint these type of websites by DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) & Google will punish this type of websites.

Bracket Update

Bracket Update was introduced by Google in 2018, webmasters will manipulate reviews to increase the webpage ranking. Google will find this by using Bracket update.



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