SEO On Page Optimization

On-Page Optimization

On Page Optimization

On-page optimization is a process in SEO to rank websites in relevant keyword & listing the websites in search result. On-page optimization is also known as on-site optimization. On-page optimization means the modification/additions doing in the SEO to rank the websites.

Head Section

In SEO the title in the head section was the major part for optimization. The Web crawlers can easy to identify the URL & content in the webpage. If there is focusing keyword in the head section title, it is more effective to crawling. Adding meaning full title will increase CTR (Click Through Rate). The head section title should be more attractive.

SEO Title Tag

SEO title tag means the title that show in the search result. SEO title will be very impressive & unique.

SEO Title Tag

 Don’t give same title in another page in website, Google consider it as a duplicate. In SEO title there should be no spelling mistakes / Grammatic errors. Maximum number of characters include in SEO title is 55-60, there should be minimum 3 words in an SEO title. The maximum pixel width of a SEO title should be 512.



Google will show basic snippet as search result, a basic snippet contains web page URL, SEO title, Meta description. The snippet was not same in the computer & mobile. In mobile snippet there will be favicon, it shows the logo of the website in the search result.

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword Cannibalization means if a website focusing on same keyword in different pages & it causes the website ranking to low. It will help another website to rank high.

Meta Description Tag

Meta Description
Meta description tag means the description that shown in the snippet to give a brief summary about the web pages. If meta description was not given, google prefer to show sentence from content as meta description. For a page maximum number of characters include in a meta description is 155-160. In blog posts or articles the maximum limit of meta description is 155. The pixel width of meta description should be 1024.

Keyword Meta Tag

In starting Google introduced keyword meta tag in their starter guide to stop keyword stuffing. By using Keyword meta tag Google page the rank.

Robots Meta Tag

Robots meta tag is basic unit of On Page Optimization, by using Robot meta tag we can stop Google crawling & stop indexing search result. Default HTML code of Robots meta tag is <meta name=”robots” content=”index, follow”/>.

Body Section

H1 tag is the most visible portion in a webpage. There should be only one meta tag in a webpage. If a webpage contains more than one meta tag it will be very confusing to Google crawling. Google will save this type as temporary page box, it also known as sandbox. After H1 tag the next is H2 tag, H2 tag means the sub heading of the content. The H2 tag should be matching to the contents.

Content Optimization

Content Optimization

The content in the web page should be Relevant and unique. The content must be simple and user friendly, Google will rank high this type of content. Google will rank low to lengthy contents. In content use focusing keyword in the starting sentence. In web page the clickable text is known as Anchor text. Anchor text is a visible portion of hyperlink in a content.

Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor text optimization means the boosting of the content in a page & Google can easy to crawling. Anchor text also known as fuel up the content. If the anchor text will over there will chance to punish by penguin update.

Two Types of Hyperlinks

*Internal Links &

*Outbound links

Keyword Density

Keyword Density means the percentage value that a keyword occurs in a content. For example, if there is a 100 word in a content & there will be 5 keyword occurs. The keyword density is 5% & it is called keyword density. The overuse of keyword will rank the page low, use keyword density in 2-5%.

Image Optimization

Image is the main attractive part of a web page & the image in the web page is related to the content. Google identify images in three ways-

*Image file name.

*Image alt name.

*Content the page

Authorship Optimization

Authorship optimization means, if a person written blog/article more than once that person have more authorship. The authorship of a page increases when more than one person writes in that webpage.

