Google Search Console


Google Search Console

Search Console

Google Search Console is a basic tool in SEO, it is also known as Google Webmaster Tool. Search console is a free tool given by Google. We can do a controlled form of SEO by using search console. It is a resource that Google can crawl & visible website fast. We can add country setting in search console for targeted audience. For example, if a website targeting U.S. people webmaster can set country settings to U.S. Google considered search as a Mock point rather than a tool. By verifying search console, we can solve the defects like Loading problems, Duplication, Device compatibility issues, Broken links in a website.

Broken Links: Broken links will be a negative impact to the websites. 

Broken Links

Broken links means the link that can’t open in a website or show not found while open link. The users will get a negative impact & Google consider this issue as a defect. It will cause the ranking of the website. We can know this issue by using Google search console.

Steps to get your website in Search Console

Search Console Steps

*Create a Google search console account by entering Domain / enter URL prefix.

*In URL inspection copy the website & webpage URL.

*The website become automatically verified in Search console.

*If the URL not on the google, click Test live URL & click Request again option. 

Test Live URL

The five verification methods in Google Search console are

1.HTML file verification method.

2.HTML meta tag method.

3.Google analytics method.

4.Google tag manager method.

5.Domain name provider method.


Sitemap is an XML document, Google can easy to crawl XML document. By adding sitemap in search console Google can crawl the websites very fast. The maximum size of site map should be 10 MB.

Steps to Submit sitemaps in search console


*Create account in search console.

*Select website from sidebar.

*Select sitemaps from index in the sidebar.

*Enter sitemap.xml with URL and click submit.


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